Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Joyful Time, Mozambique




It is always good to celebrate and it is always good to share the consecrated religious life with the people. Religious jubilee of 50, 25 years and 20 years of the ministry of Sister of Notre Dame here in Mozambique, are the reasons for  praise and gratitude to the good  and Provident God during.

On October 19, the Missionary day, with the people of the parish in the mission of Jécua  we sisters, formees, religious of the diocese, friends and priests raise the praise to heaven with vibrant heart.

We celebrated Sister Maria Cecilia Giacomolli’s golden jubilee, Sister Mary Imelda Hübner’s golden jubilee, Sister Mary Irene Kunzler’s silver jubilee.  Also we celebrated 20 years of ND Sisters in Mozambique. It was really a day  of sharing and it was full of life. Celebrating a jubilee is to look to the past and to project into the future with a grateful heart, the wonders that the Lord has done.

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On November 16, once again, a simple and joyful Mass has been celebrated in the parish of Soalpo in Chimoio, since two jubilant sisters worked there.  The reason we moved in was to listen, accept, feel and celebrate the history presented from the beginning of this ND mission ( October 1993) and the life of jubilant sisters. This historical part was done by the Sisters Maria Bernadette Fengler and Maria Nilse Eidt. “Forever I will sing your praise Lord since the dawn to sunset; I will sing your praise.” Psalm 115

We want to give thanks and praise for what we get and experienced over all these years.

We put into God’ hands our achievements.

We put in His Merciful Heart, the failures, struggles and challenges.

As Ad Gentes missionaries,

we would like to continue walking confidently,

under the gaze of Mary, our tender Mother and Patroness NOTRE DAME.


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