Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God


Do you like helping people?
Have you experienced God’s goodness and provident care in your life?
Do you want to make a difference in someone’s life?
If you said “yes” to all these questions, we have an opportunity for you to learn more about our Notre Dame International and Domestic Volunteer programs.
Volunteers partner with the sisters as they fulfill their ministry to the people of God. Volunteers actively volunteer for and with the sisters of Notre Dame either in one of our foreign missions or in one of our home missions. Some of the projects that attract volunteers are assistance with outreach activities, such as nursing home visits, student tutoring, inner-city projects, and missionary activities. They also assist in clerical work such as typing, data entry and filing; sharing talents and expertise with the sisters in their ministries; and serving on committees or working on special projects in a variety of areas such as finance, buildings and grounds, public relations, and advancement.
The purpose of the Notre Dame International Volunteer Program is to provide women with an opportunity to join with the Sisters of Notre Dame in proclaiming God’s goodness and provident care among people of another culture. The NDIV program mission experience is an opportunity to:
  • Broaden your vision of the world and your place in it
  • Learn new things about yourself and others
  • Concretize your commitment to justice and peace
  • Strengthen your faith and deepen your spirituality
  • Experience Church in an new way, and
  • Change your life
To find out more about becoming volunteering with the Sisters of Notre Dame, you can request more information or contact a volunteer coordinator for volunteer experiences suited to your talents and interests.



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