Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Lourdes Hall Moves to Lourdes Hall at St. Charles

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With the change in the buildings at St. Joseph Heights in Covington, Kentucky, it was necessary for the Lourdes Hall Community to find another residence.  A blessing was bestowed when a homestead area at St. Charles Community, an SND-sponsored institution, became available.  For months, the sisters and staff in Lourdes Hall prepared for the “BIG MOVE.”  Through leasing the area, the staff was able to accompany the sisters.  While some new furniture was purchased, many items accompanied the sisters including the Mary and Joseph statues from the chapel, framed puzzles completed by the sisters,

In a prayer service a few days before departure, the sisters and staff sang, “We are a family on a journey . . . we believe in the love that we share.” We named the special things we would take with us:  love, kindness, skill, fun, prayer, hugs, and many more.

On January 17, the Lourdes Hall community traveled the 15 minutes to St. Charles where the sisters sought their rooms and marveled at the large gathering areas, bright rooms, and large windows to view nature. What joy all experienced!

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