Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Brotherhood Week in Indonesia

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The National Council of Catholic Education held an activity called Brotherhood Week for scout groups from June 19-26, 2014 in East Java.

“One in diversity” was the theme raised in this event. 18 contingents from 18 dioceses of Indonesia participated in this Jamboree. The diocese of Purwokerto, where our sisters live, sent young people from different Catholic schools. One of the schools was Pius Junior High School in Pekalongan.

This activity is a great opportunity to develop independent, caring, responsible, environmentally conscious and undiscriminating personalities among youngsters and being aware of their dignity as the creation of God.

The Jamboree carried out educative, recreational, productive, innovative and adventure activities. By participating in such activities, they are expected to find unity and true friendship among them besides enriching their knowledge and skill as scout members.

Joining in this event, they can also develop tolerance and sensitivity toward others and the environment, experiencing interaction with various cultures and characters, progress in discipline and teamwork, as well as growing in religious aspects.

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