Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Sister Mary Rose Paula    

Sister Mary Rose Paula                 ND 4148             PDF Download
Jean Elizabeth Foltz

Immaculate Heart of Mary Province, Covington, Kentucky, USA

Date and Place of Birth                    July 17, 1929                Covington, KY
Date and Place of Profession         August 10, 1949           Covington, KY
Date and Place of Death                  February 10, 2018       Covington, KY
Date and Place of Burial                  February 14, 2018       Covington, KY

How does one eulogize Sister Mary Rose Paula? She was someone whose life was filled with an abundance of love and feelings? She had a heart that was shared with 100’s of children, parents, family and friends? Sister was a person in love with life!

The readings chosen for the wake service summarized who Sister Rose Paula is – the one begotten by God, the one who knows God, who knows God as love. (1 John 4:7) As one loved by God, Sister Mary Rose Paula loved all those she met. She first learned to love in the home of Peter Foltz and Marie Walsh Foltz, her father and mother. Jean Elizabeth was the fourth child born into the Foltz family. Her mother had smallpox when Jean was born. Mother and child were sent home immediately. The newborn was carried home by her dad in a cigar box. “Maybe that’s what made me the ‘apple of my Dad’s eye,” Jean wrote years later.

Jean was a very athletic young lady. In her autobiography she writes: “My free time was spent playing in the neighborhood, swimming, archery, sled-riding, ice-skating, and bike riding. I joined the YWCA for five years where I enjoyed learning various swimming strokes, fancy dives, and became a certified life guard.”

Jean attended NDA where she became acquainted with the Sisters of Notre Dame. She felt attracted to religious life early in life and asked her parents if she could become an aspirant in the fall of 1946. Although it was hard for her Mom and Dad to let her go, she spent her junior and senior year at the Provincial Center and entered the novitiate in January 1947.

On her investment day, Jean took the name Sister Mary Rose Paula and spent her religious life loving others while ministering in the primary grades as teacher and principal, assisting in health care during the summer months and in provincial administration. Sister welcomed little children into her heart all her life, as well as those sisters whom she mentored. She was a master primary grade teacher and a loving principal.

Although Sister found it hard to leave the children, teachers, and school community, she faithfully accepted God’s invitation to serve as local coordinator at the provincial house and later as provincial secretary. In both ministries, Sister gave her whole self to her responsibilities but more importantly to those she served. Sister Mary Rose Paula was always present to every person who came to her office. She gave sisters and staff her undivided attention. She loved everyone who walked into her office and everyone loved her.

No matter the school or the title, everyone adored Sister Rose Paula. Sister loved teaching children and felt great empathy working alongside her community of sisters. She saw all as partners working for the same mission. However, prayer was her highest priority, nourishing her so she could meet the needs of others, growing closer to God and those to whom she ministered.

Sister Mary Rose Paula was a gift to so many students, parents, and faith communities. She was a gift to the Covington province as she shared her life and talents. We are grateful for the love she brought to her family, her sisters, the Church, and our world. She, helping us all to stop and “smell the roses.

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