Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Indian Sisters of Notre Dame on Pilgrimage Share Roman Experience

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Visiting Rome, the eternal city, the centre of our Christian faith has been a dream come true for two of us from the Bangalore Province, and 5 of us from the Patna Province as all of us arrived at our Motherhouse in Rome on 4th September, 2014.

Living in the ‘heart land’ of our congregation, experiencing the love and warmth of Sister Linda Marie and community at the Motherhouse has heightened our appreciation and admiration for an international congregation that treasures each sister. With gratitude in our hearts and prayers on our lips, we visited all the major basilicas and places of historical importance in Rome under the guidance of Sister Mary Tripti and Sister Mary Supriya from 5th September to 16th September.

Indian-Pilgrims-Audience_w600An audience with Pope Francis has been the most memorable experience of all. Walking on the footsteps of the saints and listening to their voices urging us to follow Christ closely has been our experience as we make our congregational pilgrimage in Rome.

We are grateful to the provincial superiors of both of our provinces in India and our own communities for making it possible for us to have this most privileged experience of a life time. We thank Sr. Mary Kristin and her team for providing this wonderful opportunity for us. We remember each of you with gratitude and assure you of our prayers as we continue our pilgrimage to Germany.


Pictured from the left to right: Sr. Mary Manjula (Patna), Sr. Mary Remya (Patna), Sister Mary Prescilla (Bangalore), Sister Mary Kavita (Patna), Sister Mary Alice (Patna), Sister Mary Sunanda (Patna), Sister Mary Naveena (Bangalore), Sister Mary Tripti (Motherhouse), Sister Mary Supriya (Motherhouse)

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