Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

The Construction Of Peace Begins In Us, Canoas, Brazil

Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation – JPIC

Our Lady Aparecida Province, Canoas – Brazil

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The first phase of the Forgiveness and Reconciliation School – ESPERE – that teaches the Fundamentals of Restorative Justice, organized by the JPIC team and assisted by Sister Imelda Maria Jacoby, took place in Our Lady Aparecida Province. Sister is from the Holy Cross Province and has a vast experience in working with restorative justice.

ESPERE is an international network that uses the methodology of forgiveness and reconciliation to promote a culture of peace from the perspective of restorative justice through conflict resolution, control of emotions, lived experiences, sharing, theorizing and opportunities for dialogue.

About 18 Sisters from various places of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina attended the first phase of the workshop.

The main emphasis of the Forgiveness and Reconciliation School is that the construction of peace must begin in ourselves so that we can bring it wherever we go. To be an agent of peace in our Notre Dame ministries is to promote JPIC (Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation).

This was a very meaningful experience for all the Sisters. Now the call is to invite more people to join in the work for justice, peace and love for all creation.

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