The blessing of our Pioneers!
Everything is buzzing in our Holy Spirit General Delegation as we prepare next month for the 25th Anniversary of our arrival on the sacred soil of Africa. We have been so blessed to have our first pioneers from India still with us: Sisters Mary Thara, Aruna and Shobha. They have been a blessing for each of us and have contributed to much to the growth of our delegation. As Sister Mary Shobha shared: I consider it all a rare privilege to be honored thus by the God who called us to step into this sacred soil of the continent. I marvel at the wonderful people who have taken us as their own and helped us through the challenging times as well as the happy times. Twenty five years have elapsed much too fast and the tiny seeds of missionary vocation have flowered in the sacred soil of Africa with vigor and vitality in the fifty one young vibrant women who have become part of the Notre Dame family in East Africa. Everything is a blessing from God and we are grateful to God Almighty and the thousands of people who have blessed us with their presence in our lives.

Sister Mary Janet share:
The seed was placed in the sacred soil on July 13th 1995, the day of our arrival in Uganda. For a seed to be transformed from a small thing, the invitation to come, into a flower or tree with fruit, it had to break open and change. This required transformation, changes, loss, much nurturing with God’s gifts of water and sunshine. When I think about those beginning days of our Mission I realize there was a breaking open, there were losses as we experienced a new unfamiliar culture, but also wonderful surprises as we experienced the continual out pouring of God’s love and care.
Our African Pioneers
As we follow your footsteps where you have walked, we feel blessed and honored to be identified with you as the Notre Dame pioneers in Africa. Ours is a greater responsibility, a greater call, a call to sustain and nurture the tradition, Spirit, Mission and Charism of Notre Dame handed down to us by our Pioneers and our Missionaries.