Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Stand up and go!

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I am one of the 2019 SND English language program students. Representing our group, I’d like to share my reflections about our time in Rome according to the story of the Samaritan who returned and gave thanks to God as a foreigner. I hope you can also see and feel the seeds of God growing in us.

“He was a Samaritan. Lk 17: 16”

I still remember the day when I arrived in Rome, it was January 31st. All the sisters heartily welcomed us, we sang the ‘Te Deum’ in Korean. That was my first impression of Rome: a warm greeting and an intercultural community atmosphere. I met all the sisters in my group who came from different countries. Likewise, at the beginning, we only knew each other by our different nationalities. As time went on, we realized that we could communicate with each other through the language of the heart. We got to know each other’s personality more and more, beyond language and culture.

“.. but this foreigner returned to give thanks to God? Lk 17:18 “

            God gave us a very special time for 10 months. We have learned from 5 different teachers, we experienced two big conferences: the Young sisters’ Gathering and the Formators Conference, and we met two groups of pilgrim sisters from the USA and India. Therefore, we did not only meet the Casa Madre sisters, but also more than 70 sisters from all over the world. These unique circumstances have made us more flexible. At times we struggled together: sometimes we have wiped each other’s tears, we have encouraged each other, and we also laughed a lot. All of us are very proud of ourselves as well. If we were the people with leprosy in the gospel, we would return to give thanks to God together, not only one of us. God has taught us how to become one SND, even if we have different personalities and backgrounds. And we identified our roots in the Catholic Church through our pilgrimages to special places and the Amazonian Synod. These living experiences are the most valuable gifts from God. As enlightened disciples how can we just be quiet and stay comfortable?

“Stand up and go; your faith has saved you. Lk 17:19” 

            We are really grateful to Sister Mary Kristin, and to all the general councilors and the Cara Madre sisters for this opportunity. They have supported and encouraged us. We also thank God as the Samaritan who fell at the feet of Jesus. Now, we begin our new journey with these words from Jesus in our hearts: Stand up and go, your faith has saved you! I will always be with you!

Sister Marie Sowha Theresa SND

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