Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

SND International Finance Advisory Committee Meets in Rome

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The first meeting of the SND International Finance Advisory Committee took place at the Motherhouse in Rome November 13-18, 2017.  The committee was established in response to Article 161 of our Constitutions:

A finance committee is to be established
at the general and province/delegation levels
to assist the major superiors and treasurers
in financial matters.

And the corresponding constitutional directive 161.1:

On the general level, a finance committee is composed
of the treasurer, her assistant and others who may or
may not be members of the congregation.  Other
persons may be invited to the finance committee as advisors.

The committee assisting the general level is composed of the following persons:

Sister Mary Kristin         Superior General (ex officio)
Sister Marina                  Treasurer General (ex officio)
Sister Marie So-Wha       Assistant Treasurer (ex officio)
Sister Gina Marie            (Thousand Oaks, California)
Sister Maria Amelia        (Canoas, Brazil)
Sister Andrea Maria        (Coesfeld, Germany)
Mr. Albert Rüping           (Coesfeld, Germany)
Mr. Allen Schroeder        (Toledo, Ohio)
Mr. Fred Botek                (Cleveland, Ohio)
Father Tom McClain, SJ  (Rome, Italy)
Secretary      Sister Maria Elke             Secretary General

A presentation was given to the committee by Mr. Shane Cowley of L&P, an international consultancy group based in Ireland, to inform the members of the resources of the Congregation and of each of the units in personnel and finances.  Christian Brothers Investment Services (CBIS) sent three of their executive officers, Mr. Alessandro Lombardi, Mr. John Geissinger and Mr. Frank Coleman, to talk to the group about our investments and to share their Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) practices.  Information was also shared regarding the Congregation’s charism and mission, and other relevant facts that impact finances.  After much input and discussion the committee presented the general government with some very practical suggestions for implementation over the next year.

We are happy and grateful to have this committee of sisters and others who generously share their expertise to enable us to share God’s love with many people.

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