Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Sister Maria Electis, the oldest Religious Sister in the world


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This was the title given by a local newspaper from Canoas, Brazil, to an article describing the 110th birthday of Sister Maria Electis, SND. She belongs to Our Lady of Aparecida Province and is one of the two German missionaries who went to Brazil and are still alive.

Sister Maria Electis was born on March 23rd, 1904, in Pommem, Mosel, Germany. In 1928, Sister Maria Electis professed her religious vows and in February 1939 she left her country to become a missionary among the Brazilian people.

Being a nurse, she joined the Community of sisters who worked in the Olivé Leite Psychiatric Clinic, in Pelotas, RS. In 1988, because of her advanced age, she joined the community of the elderly sisters, in Canoas, where she lived an active life until she turned 100 years old.

In 2013, Sister Maria Electis celebrated her Sunflower jubilee, that is, 85 years of Sister of Notre Dame. The Sisters of Our Lady Aparecida Province are proud of Sister Electis and happy for having the opportunity to live with such a precious gift of God. May God continue pouring his blessings upon Sister Maria Electis.


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