Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Scripture and Christology Course by Sr.M.Kathleen Burns, Rome, Italy


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The Motherhouse community participated in an eight hour Scripture and Christology Course taught by Sister Mary Kathleen Burns from the California Province from April 10 to 21.

Sister Kathleen arrived in Rome on April 9 following a two month visit to the East African Delegation where she taught Scripture to the novices in Arusha and the tertians in Nairobi.

Here at the Motherhouse the focus during the first week of the course was on the Book of Genesis and Salvation Story as they foreshadow Jesus.  During the second week the focus was on Christology.  By looking at the Church Councils and the heresies they corrected, we came to a clearer understanding of Jesus’ identity.

Sister’s presentations captivated our attention and brought all to a deeper appreciation of Jesus, the Christ.  The course has been recorded and will be available soon in the SND Resource Center.


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