Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Provincial Chapter 2015, Bangalore, India

“Encountering the Word and Engaging the World”


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It was a time to refresh, renew and revitalize ourselves and as a group to respond to the call of God. The Provincial Chapter was a time to flip the pages of the past to discovery areas, situations, and lives that need to be reconsidered, altered, constructed, renovated, or transformed.

The elected participants were charged with the entire scenario of the Chapter preparation and the implementation. The four full days, December 28th- 31st 2015, were well-planned and well-executed. Each day brought its own blessings, inspiration, enlightenment and awareness. The Chapter facilitator, Sr. Mary Sujita, in perfect coordination with our Provincial, Sr. Sandhya, the steering committee, and others, brought it to a great success. God was in great control of us in everything; the Spirit was hovering over us and the power of the prayers of many united us with the divine power in every interaction and decision-making.

Every day of the Chapter enabled us to think deeply, to live justly and to love tenderly with our God. The guest speaker, Fr. Joe Xavier SJ, opened our eyes to glimpse world realities and its leaders. Many of his thoughts enabled us to reflect collectively to better our religious life. The daily creatively-planned liturgies, prayers and other activities channeled us to be attuned in the right direction.

Each one was rejuvenated with hope for the future, passion for the present and gratitude for the past. We journeyed together observing areas that needed a mentor and mending, as we renewed ourselves to be more responsible members who are focused on spreading the love of God.

The process of proposal processing and passing was a time of rebuilding our future. The election of delegates for the General Chapter was a renewed call to elect the ones who could better lead keeping in view the Chapter theme ‘Encountering the Word and Engaging the World’. The other issues discussed were also constructed to improve our lives and our community living.

Every session was spent in introspection and contemplation for a better tomorrow. We are grateful for God’s abundance of graces and blessings on us.

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