Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Notre Dame Orff Research Center International Seminar

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Every two years, the Korean Orff Schulwerk Association (KOSA), which promotes a passion for music and art, invites international professors and teachers to participate in a variety of musical experiences.

During this summer of intensive heat, an Orff international seminar was held at the Seoul ND Education Center from August 1st – 5th, 2023.  Philipp Lamprecht, a multi-talented musician presenting medieval music to contemporary music, and Michaela Rief-Schnaidt, a recorder player and elementary school teacher, led an enthusiastic five-day course at ND Education Center.

KOSA has five research centers. One of them is Notre Dame Orff Research Center, whose first president was Sr. Marie Michael. Its current director, Sr. Marie Johanita, is also the current president of KOSA.

Sr. Maria Caritas, a member of KOSA’s international cooperation department, found herself in a stressful situation, as the seminar began. Earlier, she had invited one of her professors from her study in Salzburg to the seminar. Occupied with all the tasks of hosting this event from welcoming the guests at the airport to providing every meal, she tried to find time to immerse herself in the German language, which she had not used for a while.

Those attending this seminar were given two very different experiences. Philipp taught the unlimited potential of sounds that percussion can make, demonstrating that every sound can turn into music through exploration and improvisation. Michaela taught basic recorder techniques that are usually overlooked because they appear to be too easy. The time with her was also an occasion when all participants became one through dancing and medieval music performances. This seminar was specifically sponsored by the Austrian Embassy, which made it possible to experience music by Austrian composers as well as Philipp’s solo concert, thereby broadening the understanding of contemporary music.

Through music and art education, Orff aims to awaken everybody’s artistic potential The focus, in particular, is on helping people express a variety of God-given emotions in a healthy manner and, thereby, leading them to a happier lifestyle. As it marks the 20th anniversary next year, the association plans to hold a big festival, welcoming back many professors and guests from the past. We look forward to that day when people of all ages will become one with Orff.

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