Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

My Soul Glorifies the Lord

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“Give thanks to the Lord for it is good to make music to our God on high,”

Indeed, we have seen and experienced the Father’s love: “Yes, Lord, we know that you love us!” Since childhood, we have lived and nurtured a deep desire to thank God in a special and unique way. As we grew up, we prayed and discerned with the Psalmist, “What return can I make to the Lord for all His goodness to me?”  We deeply felt that being religious was the best way to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our good God.

We sincerely thank you, dear Sisters, for helping us to say “yes” to God for our whole lives as we profess publicly the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Thank you for your prayers, warm congratulations, best wishes, and encouraging words through beautiful cards, emails, phone calls, WhatsApp messages, and gifts. All these manifest true unities in diversity, making our Profession Day a grace-filled, memorable, and colorful one.

We are grateful to Sister Mary Ann, our Superior General, and Sister Mary Alice, our Provincial, for accepting us as permanent members of our Congregation. We acknowledge our indebtedness to all our formators, community coordinators, and teachers who have nurtured us with devotion and love. We count on the prayers and support of all our Sisters to live a life of thanksgiving in love, joy, courage, and enthusiasm, serving God and his people.

Sister Mary Helen SND

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