Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Language Program in Rome 2017

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The Motherhouse community is delighted to have the presence of 8 Language Students this year: six sisters from the province of Incheon, South Korea, and two sisters from the province of Jakarta, Indonesia. They began their ten month English Language Program on February 06, with Sister Maria Josefa Cramer from the province of Coesfeld, Germany, as their instructor. For Sister Maria Josefa, who lives at the Motherhouse in Rome, this is the fourth group consecutively. Sister Marie So-Wha Kwak, one of the Assistants General, will coordinate their stay with us and assist them.

The language students and the sisters at the Motherhouse community manage quite well as they try to communicate and express themselves with much body language and few words. Besides language learning pursuit, at the weekends students also are provided ample opportunities to learn more about the center of our congregation, the center of the church and Italy’s rich history and culture. We wish our sisters many blessings as they courageously face the challenges of learning a new language!

From left to right are: Sister Maria Evarista, Sister Marie Celina, Sister Marie Petria, Sister Marie Immaculata, Sister Marie Rufina, Sister Marie Faustine, Sister Maria Josefa, Sister Anna Maria, Sister Maria Rista.

Sister Marie So-Wha assisting the sister students

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