Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Formation of lay directors in Passo Fundo, Brazil


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The Santa Cruz province, Passo Fundo, Brazil, held the ongoing formation program for their lay employees in the Casa Santa Cruz which has a good infrastructure and is close to the provincial house. Different training sessions were alreday held in 2014. This week, the participants were those Sisters and laity who are directors, administrators and organizational psychologists, and personnel in the network of education, hospitals, social entities of Notre Dame from the states of Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo , Rio de Janeiro, and Brasilia.

Opening the ongoing formation meeting on April 18, Sister Araci M. Ludwig, Provincial Superior, talked to the participants about St. Julie Billiart, our spiritual and inspiring mother and the spirituality of action. She also spoke about the ministries of Notre Dame today throughout 19 countries. She began her talk with the spirituality of Notre Dame, what differentiates it from the spiritualities of other religious congregations, and how it is linked to the Catholic Church. “As a whole body of Notre Dame, we are living cells in the Church. We are not a professional corporation. We are men and women with a noble intention working in education as teachers” emphasized Sister Araci.

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