Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Canoas Province Holds Provincial Chapter 2021

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The eleventh provincial Chapter of Our Lady Aparecida Province, which took place in Canoas, Brazil from October 29-31, 2021, had a different flavor. Besides being a historical milestone for the province it was also an opportunity for the Sisters to travel and meet in person, which had not been possible for a long time due to the corona virus pandemic.

After nearly two years of restrictions and social distancing practice because of Covid-19, the provincial center was able to welcome our Sisters again. The joy and the excitement at the arrival of the 45 Chapter delegates was immense and this atmosphere of joyfulness permeated the entire meeting.

The Chapter participants were invited to dialogue with the past, the present, and the future in the light of the Chapter theme: “Renew the Face of the Earth… Cultivate a Culture of Encounter and Care!.” Sister Lucia Weiler, CDP, a woman of deep spirituality, great experience, and wisdom was the Chapter facilitator. Sister Maria Nonata, a member of the general council, was also present and assisted with the Chapter tasks.

The Chapter opening Mass was presided by the Archbishop of Porto Alegre, Jaime Spengler, OFM. In his homily, the celebrant motivated the Chapter participants by saying: “A Chapter is an opportunity to recall the past, evaluate the present, and open up to the future, seeking to respond to the demands of the new times. Hence, it is time to shake off the dust, get up and go. It is an occasion to unsettle the Sisters in order to keep them awake, vigilant, enthusiastic, and ready.”

For our daily Mass we counted on the remarkable presence of Father Francisco Grasselli, parish priest of São Luís Gonzaga Parish and of Father Luiz Osório.

At the Chapter closing Mass, Sister Vania Maria, our Provincial Superior, echoing the words of the Archbishop, expressed her gratefulness with these words: “Thank you, Sisters, because during the three days of our Chapter I felt this aspiration very strongly in each one of us. Thank you for the maturity and the responsibility with which we carried out the work together. My wish is that we can harvest the joyful fruits of this Chapter and that they become nourishment to reinvigorate our journey and our life in mission”.

After the closing Mass, a surprise had been prepared for the participants who were invited to Santa Júlia Hall at Colégio Maria Auxiliadora, where students and teachers performed artistic presentations, and expressed their appreciation to all the Chapter participants.

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