Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Busy Days Filled With Graces, Bataan, Philippines


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The end of March was a busy time for all of us who live in the International Novitiate House and Stella Maris Retreat Center of the Sisters of Notre Dame in the Philippines. During that time our three novices were preparing for first profession and we were getting ready to welcome ten new novices from Iloilo.  The three novices made their ten day retreat in preparation for profession at St. Claire Monastery. Sister Marie Julia (Novice Director) flew to Iloilo to attend the investment of the novices and brought them to Bataan on her return trip. Sister Maria Monika (Formation Team) remained at home taking care of the last minute preparations for the profession celebration.

On March 23, the group of new novices accompanied by Sisters Marie Julia, Marie Susanna, Marie Vivette and Marie Aquina (Inchon Provincial Superior) arrived in Bataan. It was a blessing to have them with us. They added to the joyful atmosphere. On March 25, we witnessed the courage of the three novices who professed their vows during the Eucharistic celebration presided by Bishop Roberto C. Santos from Balanga Diocese with Mgr. Regie , the director of Bahay Puso (an infirmary house where the novices served during their formative activity), Fr. John Young, Fr. Joel, Fr. Yohanes Anjar Danabhakti, con-celebrants. The celebration was wonderful. Many guests were in attendance.

The three new junior sisters from Vietnam returned to their country with Sister Marie Julia the next day. The ten novices stayed with Sister Maria Monika and enjoyed another trip to Manila to obtain their visa extension. While in Manila the sisters enjoyed sightseeing in the capital city while taking care of other business matters. We are most grateful for God’s blessings during this time and ask for blessings as we continue to respond generously to God’s faithful love. 

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