Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

2022 Korean Juniors’ Winter Gathering

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Nine Korean Junior sisters had a Winter Gathering in the Provincial house from 3rd to 12th of January. The theme of the Winter Gathering was ‘cultivating a culture of encounter and caring’, the theme of our 2022 General Chapter. During this time, we wanted to make it very practical by incorporating it into our lives. This year, since we are preparing for the General Chapter and the Provincial Chapter, we also wanted to simulate both meetings by holding a mock chapter including proposals, discussions, and voting.

Although we have had no experience of any kind of a chapter, we received special advice from Sister Maria Julie, our Junior Director, and held our mock chapter. As members of the Sisters of Notre Dame, we wanted to accompany all the sisters who would participate in a chapter. Instead of the Ministry Report, we reflected on our past year’s experiences and made self-reports. We also had a presentation on developing healthy sexuality from Sister Marie Deophila. We found her presentation insightful, challenging, and broadening. Before the full-fledged mock chapter, Sister Marie Vera, one of the Juniors, shared with us her thoughts about healthy relationships. We also had time to reflect on ourselves after the Pope’s Ted lecture, “We build future together,” to broaden our horizons by realizing that we are all connected and one person is a small flame that can change the whole world.

Three groups offered proposals. After a discussion on each of them, we were left with seven items upon which to vote. While discussing and voting, we experienced the difficulties of a chapter and at the same time, we felt responsible as members of SND. Even though it was a mock chapter, we were able to deepen our commitment as more mature religious women by creating a forum for presentation, discussion, and listening to others’ opinions. At the same time, as six of the seven proposals were adopted unanimously, we could see our hopes and wishes for the future.

As a result of our discussion and sharing at the end of the mock chapter, we were able to create a poignant  2022 vision statement by reflecting on the vision statement together, selecting each word, and finding alternative vocabulary.

The COVID-19 virus is still in full swing, but we would like to express our thanks for the prayer and love of our sisters in the community. With your prayers and love, we were able to finish this Winter Gathering happily. Thank you.

2022 Vision Statement of the Temporary Professed Sisters in Korea

Trusting in the love of Jesus Christ who has called us into being,
We, going forward in a deep encounter with ourselves and our neighbors

Growing into transformation in order to lead all creation into life.


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