Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Sister Ottilia Maria

Sister  Ottilia  Maria             ND 4830                PDF Download
formerly Sister Maria Aloísia
Ottilia KLEIN

Santa Cruz Province, Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil

Date and Place of Birth:              November 24, 1932    Selbach, RS
Date and Place of Profession:   February 12, 1953       Passo Fundo, RS
Date and Place of Death:            May 26, 2016  Casa Betânia, Não-Me-Toque, RS
Date and Place of Funeral:        May 27, 2016  Convent Cemetery, Casa Santa Cruz, Passo Fundo, RS

OttiliaIn a family of 10 children, the parents Aloysio Klein and his wife Maria Cecilia Spohr Klein educated them in the Catholic faith, in such a way that three daughters became Sisters of Notre Dame. Sister Ottilia Maria Klein has two sisters in the Province: Sister M. Hedwig Klein and Sister M. Lucia Klein. Their brothers formed Christian families, according to the example drawn by their parents and lived in their family.

After her school years at Notre Dame School, in Passo Fundo, she entered the postulancy and made her novitiate in Passo Fundo, where she also made her religious profession.

She graduated in Social Studies from the University of Passo Fundo, RS. She had Proficiency in Portuguese and Social Studies and also studied Theology at Pius the XI Institute, in São Paulo, SP. “Those who teach to many the path of virtue, shall be like stars forever”. (Dan. 12:3) These words of the prophet Daniel are very meaningful to the life of Sister Ottilia Maria who taught in the Notre Dame Schools during 43 years. She captivated many of her students, as many of us, today sisters, for the accuracy and the nobility of her classes.

Of her life, 63 years were spent as a Notre Dame religious. And 43 of them, she served the Kingdom of God in the mission of the Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame as a teacher, catechist, and librarian. In recent years she devoted herself to visiting the sick and recording the annals, which were written with promptness and righteousness.

No Geography class was given without physical and political map of the region and/or Country. In her Religion classes, the dogmatic and linguistic details were explained according to the Catechism. In the Portuguese classes she required good reading, recitation of poems identifying them with their rightful owners. For many years, she also taught music. She was a demanding and a kind teacher, fulfilling in her ministry the congregational charism, being simultaneously good and firm.

May the Heart of Jesus, which she loved very deeply, keep her in His mercy, in His love, in full life. May Mary, the Mother of Jesus, reward her for everything, especially for the catechesis and religious education classes, given with so much zeal. We believe that Sister Ottilia Maria will intercede for us before God, particularly for more priests and religious vocations.

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