Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Sister Mary Teresa

TeresaSister Mary Teresa                ND 4353            ⇒ PDF Download
Teresa Elizabeth LANGENDERFER

Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA

Date and Place of Birth:     September 30, 1927   Swanton, Ohio
Date and Place of Profession:   August 16, 1948   Cleveland, Ohio
Date and Place of Death:     July 17, 2015        Health Care Center, Chardon
Date and Place of Funeral:   July 22, 2015        Chardon, Ohio
Date and Place of Burial:    July 22, 2015        Resurrection Cemetery, Chardon, OH

Teresa was the third of eight children born to Maurice and Loretta Langenderfer. Weighing only four pounds, she was not expected to live; but surrounded by her loving family she began to grow and thrive and was baptized Teresa in honor of the Little Flower. These were happy years where love and concern for each other were nurtured and blossomed. Already Teresa loved school. As a young child knew she wanted to become a teacher. The decision to enter religious life did not come as easily.

She loved participating in high school events but as a senior, she came to realize that, as good as all these things were, she could no longer set aside God’s invitation to follow another way and entered the community in Cleveland on September 8, 1945, from Immaculate Conception Marygrove Parish, Swanton, Ohio. Her two SND cousins in Toledo and an aunt, Sister Mary Anselm, director of novices in Cleveland, offered prayerful support and encouragement. At investment she took the name Sister Mary Alberte. Later she returned to her baptismal name.

After two years of college, Sister Mary Teresa was missioned to teach second grade. There were fifty-five children in that class, and the next year, 65! By taking classes on Saturdays and in the summers, Sister earned a Bachelor of Science in Education degree from St. John College, Cleveland, Ohio. She ministered to God’s little ones, teaching first or second grade for forty-two years. How she loved the children—and how they loved her! One of her greatest joys was preparing her students for the reception of First Holy Communion. She remarked that it was a privilege to prepare children for Eucharist—surely the source of her gratitude and the heart of her spiritual life. Small in stature, Sister’s loving manner endeared her to the children, their families and the sisters with whom she lived.

After twenty-nine years at St. Peter Parish, Lorain, Ohio, ministering as classroom teacher, school assistant, pastoral minister and assisting with visiting those who were homebound, in the hospital or nursing home, Sister Mary Teresa transitioned to the Provincial Center where she continued her ministry of outreach to all she encountered each day. Sister was a simple, unassuming, hard working, prayerful woman. Her genuine, warm smile, graciousness, gentleness and peaceful demeanor exuded a sense of well-being and welcome. The love of Jesus Christ shone in her and through her.

Sister Mary Teresa stated, “All the blessings I’ve received all these years, I just can’t thank God enough. I have such interior joy, the Lord is so good.”

May she now enjoy eternal union with her Beloved that she so longed for during life. May she rest peacefully in God’s loving embrace.

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