Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Sister Mary Gina

Sister Mary Gina           ND 7424            PDF Download

Regina Ain

Immaculate Conception Province, USA (Papua New Guinea)

Birth:                     April 24, 1972      Wabag, Enga Province, Papua New Guinea
First Profession:  August 25, 2001  Kumdi, Papua New Guinea
Death:                   July 29, 2021       Banz, Papua New Guinea
Burial:                   August 4, 2021    Diocesan Cemetery, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea

“Within me is infinite power, before me is endless possibility,
around me is boundless opportunity.” (author unknown)

Sister Mary Gina used this quote in her reflection paper as a tertian in 2007, adding: Why should I be down or fear, for God is with me.

As a child, she may have had reason to fear as both of her parents died when she was young. But God did not abandon her. She was taken in by her loving aunt and uncle and their children. It was in this environment that her faith was nurtured. It was this faith and trust in the Lord that led her to the Sisters of Notre Dame where she entered in 1998.

Endless possibilities and boundless opportunity…

Sister Mary Gina spent her novitiate in Kumdi. After her novitiate, she attended the Teacher Training College in Mt. Hagen. Graduating in 2004, she was assigned to teach grade 5 at Sacred Heart School in Goroka. Following her tertiate in Rome and final profession, Sister continued teaching – this time at Holy Trinity Rebiamul Cathedral Parish School in Mt. Hagen.

Desiring to become a secondary teacher, Sister went back to school. She attended the University of Goroka from 2014-2017. After her studies she was assigned to teach at Notre Dame Secondary School, Kumdi. During this time Sister Mary Gina also served as the Mission Coordinator.

She loved teaching and loved children. Not only did she see boundless opportunity for herself but also for her students. She cheered them on and helped them achieve their goals.

Sister’s very short illness and sudden death is a shock to all who loved her – family, friends, past and present students and the members of her community. She will be greatly missed.

May all be consoled by the knowledge that love does not end with death. Sister Mary Gina continues to love from heaven.

“Well done, good and faithful servant.”

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