Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Sister Maria Vicentina

Sister Maria Vicentina                     ND 4449                      PDF Download

Amália KUHN

Holy Cross Province, Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil

Date and Place of Birth:            January 29, 1924        São Leopoldo, RS
Date and Place of Profession:  February 13, 1951       Passo Fundo, RS
Date and Place of Death:          December 5, 2021       Casa Betânia, Não-Me-Toque, RS
Date and Place of Burial:          December 5, 2021       Santa Cruz Cemetery, Passo Fundo, RS

Amália was the daughter of João Pedro and Maria Klein Kuhn, farmers. Along with the other seven children, Amália helped her family in farming the land for their livelihood. Amália received the sacraments of Christian initiation at São Pedro do Bom Jesus Parish, in Selbach and attended São Tiago Parish School, Selbach, where the Sisters of Notre Dame ministered. At the age of 24, Amália joined the Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame in Passo Fundo and received the name Sister Maria Vicentina.

Sister Maria Vicentina felt the call to dedicate herself to the sick and do everything to alleviate their suffering and restore their health. At that time, schools that prepared professionals for the health care field were rare, therefore the doctors themselves instructed their collaborators in the practice of nursing. This is how Sister Maria Vicentina became an excellent health care professional, through daily observation and practice. For 30 years she ministered to the sick and those in need of a word of encouragement and comfort in the face of precarious circumstances. Sister took special care that the patients received the sacraments of the Eucharist and the Anointing of the Sick. As a midwife, she helped many women give birth and received many children into this world.

Sister Maria Vicentina had a good sense of humor which eased her contact and dealings with patients. She worked in several community hospitals and also in hospitals owned by the Province. For 10 years, she ministered at the ND São Sebastião Hospital, city of Espumoso, where, in addition to nursing, she was also responsible for the sewing room. Sister Maria Vicentina´s mission to ensure good health care was not limited to the hospital, since she insisted on visiting the sick in their homes. In addition to her nursing skills, she loved to take care of flowers and had a great aptitude for doing needlework thus producing wonderful works

In 1998, a severe osteoporosis required knee and hip replacements and, from then on, Sister Maria Vicentina needed special care. Since 2010, she had been totally bedridden, but conscious. Despite not being able to communicate verbally, Sister expressed emotions when someone spoke to her or sang Marian hymns in German. At these times, her little eyes sparkled and sometimes shed a tear, visible signs that she was aware. Sister enjoyed watching religious programs broadcast on TV, especially the Holy Mass, the praying of the rosary and other devotions to Our Lady. Her relatives visited her frequently and shared with her the news about their family.

Thus, the good God reaped this ripe fruit for his Kingdom. The words of the final judgment, recorded in the Gospel of Mt 25:34ff, are rightly attributed to her. “Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the Kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me… Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me”.

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