Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Sister Maria Lurdelina

Sister Maria Lurdelina                ND 4833                  PDF Download


Nossa Senhora Aparecida Province, Canoas, RS – Brazil

Date and Place of Birth:            August 22, 1933     Cachoeira do Sul, RS
Date and Place of Profession: February 12, 1953   Passo Fundo, RS
Date and Place of Death:          February 08, 2021 Recanto Aparecida, Canoas, RS
Date and Place of Burial:          February 08, 2021 Convent Cemetery, Canoas, RS

You will show me the path of life;
In your presence is fullness of joy. Psalm 16,11

The certainty of the new life in Christ makes us believe that this verse from the Psalm was Sister Maria Lurdelina´s inspiration. In the early hours of February 8, 2021, the full vision of eternal joy became true for her.

Lurdelina was born to Pedro Antonio Prevedello and Anastácia Barrichello Prevedello, the 7th of 11 children. Being born on the Feast of the Queenship of Mary, certainly was a reason for her great devotion to Mary, the Mother of Jesus. She was the daughter of farmers whose family support was from the land. It was in the fields of the Prevedello family that the Lord called Lurdelina to follow Him as a Sister of Notre Dame. Later, also her sister, Sister Maria Natalina was called. Both responded to Jesus´ call and joined the Sisters of Notre Dame.

Lurdelina began her formation in Passo Fundo, entering into novitiate on February 13, 1951, and making her first profession on February 12, 1953. Faithful to her commitment, she served the Lord for 63 years in religious life, proclaiming: “Oh! How good is the good God.”

For many years, Sister Maria Lurdelina dedicated herself to culinary services in our communities at Rio Pardo hospital and at the Diocesan Seminary of Pelotas. She carried out her mission with great love and dedication, providing healthy meals so that everyone had the necessary strength to carry out well their ministries. Sometimes Sister shared about the difficult times of poverty she had experienced as a cook regarding the lack of ingredients necessary to prepare food for the Sisters. 

In 1975, she graduated in Technical Accounting. She had a good administrative understanding and foresight.  For several years, Sister was the treasurer in our ND Schools, supervisor of buildings and maintenance, as well as employees at the Provincial Center in Canoas and in the Schools. 

Sister Maria Lurdelina had a poor health condition which demanded her undergoing several surgeries. Even so, she reached 87 years of age, being always kind, cheerful, and sensitive to the needs of the Sisters. Her sense of belonging to the Province and the Congregation was very strong, making her a member who always participated in the province’s programs, gatherings, and festivities with great joy. 

In February 2013, Sister Maria Lurdelina joined the community of Recanto Aparecida, taking care of small chores. She lived there until her call to the eternal home. For the last years, she had been bedridden, dependent and had partially lost her speech. She always welcomed her visitors with a smile.

May Sister Maria Lurdelina enjoy eternal joyfulness in the loving embrace of the One whom she loved and served throughout her journey on earth.

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