Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Sister Maria Godefrieda

Sister Maria Godefrieda                             ND 6217                            PDF Download

Yohanna Berchmans Padmi Pamungkas

Our Lady of Good Counsel Province, Jakarta, Indonesia

Date and Place of Birth:            May 17, 1946              Pekalongan, Indonesia
Date and Place of Profession: January 4, 1969         Pekalongan, Indonesia
Date and Place of Death:         December 13, 2023   Pekalongan, Indonesia
Date and Place of Funeral:      December 14, 2023   Pekalongan, Indonesia

I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word!”(Lk 1:38)

Yohanna Berchmans Padmi Pamungkas was the youngest of 12 children born to R.M. Ant. Prawirahardjo and RNGT.TH. Partiyah in Pekalongan. Among the twelve children, one of her brothers, the late Tarsisius Wignyosupadmo, was a Jesuit priest.

Witnessing her brother’s life as a Jesuit priest touched Yohanna’s heart and inspired her to become a Sister. She strengthened her desire by entering the SND Congregation in Pekalongan as a postulant. Perseverance and faithfulness led Yohanna to continue her formation. On the day of investment, she received the name Sister Maria Godefrieda. Her devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and her novitiate commitment led her to make first profession on January 4, 1969, and her Final Vows on January 30, 1975.

In her daily life, Sister Maria Godefrieda was a person of prayer, fidelity, enthusiasm, caring, humor, responsibility, and art. In her ministries, she follows the mission of the Sacred Hearts of Mary and Jesus. Sister’s education was in catechetics. She graduated from the Pradnyawidya Catechetical College in Yogyakarta. Her apostolic work was always related to catechesis.

Sister has ministered in Gambiran Rembang, Baratha Karanganyar Solo High School, Mejasem Tegal, Purbalingga, Yogyakarta, Santa Maria Foundation Pekalongan, and Kajen. Sister developed her catechetical skills through spiritual broadcasts on Radio Sanantha Tegal. In addition to her catechesis ministry, Sister assisted the children of Marganingsih Orphanage in Lasem. Sister loved children very much. In her daily life, Sister M. Godefrieda had sewing skills, working in Budi Rahayu Hospital’s sewing room and Pekalongan Provincial House’s sewing room. In addition, Sister had been a computer teacher. Sister Godefrieda loves plants and animals. As she entered her elderly age in 2020, she lived in the Hanna elderly house in Pekalongan and took care of the chapel.

On December 5, 2023, Sister Godefrieda’s health declined. She was admitted to the Budi Rahayu Hospital. On December 12, 2023, Sr. M. Godefrieda received the Sacrament of the Sick. Sister’s condition continued to deteriorate, and she began to struggle to breathe and communicate. Despite all the efforts of the medical team, she made no improvement. Sr. M. Godefrida returned peacefully to God’s mercy on December 13, 2023, at 2:25 p.m. Indonesian time.

May Sister Maria Godefrieda find eternal happiness with our good God.

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