Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Sister Maria Florida

Sister Maria Florida             ND 6867                  PDF Download

Martina Sri Mardatin

Our Lady of Good Counsel Province, Jakarta, Indonesia

Date and Place of Birth:              November 11, 1956     Kedungjati, Grobogan , Indonesia
Date and Place of Profession:   July 01, 1984                Pekalongan, Indonesia
Date and Place of Death:            May 27, 2021                Rembang , Indonesia
Date and Place of Funeral:         May 27, 2021                Pekalongan, Indonesia

“Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done unto me according to thy Word”. (Luke 1: 38)

Sri Mardatin was the fourth child born to Mr. S. Wirosoedarmo and Mrs. Markinah. Her parents had 5 sons and 4 daughters. On April 14, 1979, Sri Mardatin was baptized in the Chapel of Stella Duce, Yogyakarta and got the received the baptismal name Martina.  She received the Sacrament of Confirmation from Cardinal Yustinus Darmoyuwono,Pr, on April 14, 1979 in the Chapel of Stella Duce, Kotabaru Yogyakarta.

Martina Sri Mardatin’s wish to become a Sister of Notre Dame was fulfilled on August 19, 1981. She was received as a postulant into our Congregation in Pekalongan and on June 21, 1982 she was invested and received her religious name, Sister Maria Florida.

In her initial formation Sr. M. Florida made her best efforts to live her religious life. As a junior, Sister M. Florida ministered in the field of Education. She proved herself as a mature and good religious and on June 23, 1991 she was allowed to make her perpetual profession in the Mother House of our Congregation in Rome, Italy.

Sister M. Florida was a happy community member to live with. She had a motherly, simple, disciplined, responsible and humble personality. In her ministries she trusted in the provident care of the good God, and Mary was her model and supporter.

Sister M. Florida was entrusted with different ministries; in Purbalingga as the principal of St. Pius Elementary School, the directress of postulants and novices, local superior of Sendang Asih community Yogyakarta and the local superior in the Marganingsih Orphanage, Lasem in which our good Lord considered her as his faithful handmaid and took her home to his Kingdom in Heaven.

In a PCR test On May 21, 2021, Sister Maria Florida was diagnosed Covid-19 positive. She was isolated in the Marganingsih home for boys. She suffered from tightness in the chest and was brought to the Dr. Sutrasno Hospital in Rembang where she stayed in a covid isolation room. She was diagnosed with Pneumonia. On May 26, her breathing was getting worse and worse. She could hardly breathe. The medical staff did their best to make Sister breathe easily, but in vain. On May 27, 2021 our good Father in Heaven ended the suffering of Sister Maria Florida and called her home to himself where He had prepared an eternal happy and peaceful life for her with Jesus and Mary whom Sister M. Florida had always loved.

We believe you are happy now, dear Sister Maria Florida. We will always remember you.

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