Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Sister Maria Cecilia

Sister Maria Cecilia               ND 4186                PDF Download
(formerly Sister Maria Eucária)

Holy Cross Province, Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil

Date and place of birth:            October 30, 1925     Barra do Colorado, Selbach, RS
Date and place of profession:  February 12, 1948    Passo Fundo, RS
Date and place of death:          March 20, 2017        Passo Fundo, RS
Date and place of burial:          March 21, 2017        Convent Cemitery, Casa Santa Cruz, Passo Fundo, RS

“I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.” Luke 10:21 

In this verse of the Gospel, we see portrayed and synthesized the life of our dear Sister Maria Cecilia Wickert.  With deep gratitude to God for this beautiful, joyful life, we celebrate the greatness of our sister, who so generously answered God´s call.  We celebrate a life rooted in faith, marked by an evangelical simplicity and total trust in the goodness of God, who performed wonders in her.

Cecilia Wickert was born in Barra do Colorado, at the time belonging to Selbach, RS. Her father, Enrique Wickert Filho, was a farmer; and her mother, Paulina Hermes Wickert, was a housewife.  Cecília felt God´s call to religious life in the Christian practice of her family and parish community. When she was 20 years old, she joined the Sisters of Notre Dame as a postulant in Passo Fundo Here she also made her novitiate, first profession, and perpetual vows. A solid formation constituted the basis for her 68 years of consecrated life as a Sister of Notre Dame.

To talk about Sister Cecilia is to remember a person who touched the lives of so many sisters and all those who had the joy of meeting her. Her kindness, warm smile, service, readiness to meet the needs of the sisters, communities, and all those who asked her a favor, revealed her greatness and goodness of heart.

She lived her religious vocation with fidelity. Her love and passion for Jesus Christ shone through her life.  Joy and contentment were always evident on her face. Living together with Sister Maria Cecilia was a joy and a pleasure.

Her long life was dedicated to household tasks, a ministry she accomplished with great love. She was also good at teaching how to do the housework. For 23 years she worked at Notre Dame School that also was, at the time, the Provincial House. For nine years, Sister was a missionary in Acre, Brazil, always available for service. Until the last days of her life, she manifested the ability to sacrifice herself for the good of others.

The last four years, living at Casa Betania, were years of intense prayer. Her joy was to be with the Lord. In prayer and meditation on the Scriptures, Sister nurtured her life and found strength to endure pain. She built her life on the true “rock,” Jesus Christ, who sustained her. Intimacy with the Lord and an appreciation of his word were transformed into gestures of welcome, giving, respect, goodness, and blessings to the community.

At Casa Betania, she cleaned and set the tables, washed the dishes, helped the sisters who could not help themselves, prayed with the sisters, and kept them company. She served until the last day, when she fell and fractured her femur.

On the Feast of St. Joseph, her good friend, the Good Shepherd, led her to eternal pastures. May she rest in his loving embrace.

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