Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Sister Maria Bernhardine 

Sister Maria Bernhardine                            ND 4753                              PDF Download

Antonia Musholt

Maria Regina Province, Coesfeld / Germany

Date and place of birth:                11 March 1928             Estern/Gescher
0Date and place of profession:    01 September 1953    Coesfeld
Date and place of death:               22 December 2021     Coesfeld, Kloster Annenthal
Date and place of funeral:            29 December 2021     Coesfeld, Convent Cemetery

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Ps 16:11)

Antonia was the third child born to Bernhard Musholt and his wife Katharina, née Resing, who were farmers. With her 14 siblings, she grew up in a deeply religious family. From 1934-1942, Antonia attended the basic primary and secondary school in Gescher. Until she was 20, she stayed in her parental home to support her family, especially her mother, with the housework. She loved her siblings tenderly.

After that, Antonia was an apprentice cook with the Sisters of Notre Dame in Vechta for one year. She acquired good knowledge in cooking and housekeeping. In her report card, her hard work and devotion to duty were particularly emphasized. In 1951, Antonia asked for admission to the Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame in Ahlen. After her religious formation, Sister Maria Bernhardine served in various ministries and leadership positions of our congregation.

She showed special skills for creative and craft activities. In 1960, she successfully completed her training as a ladies‘ tailor with the journeyman’s examination. In 1962, she earned her master’s degree in lady tailoring before the chamber of commerce in Bielefeld.

From 1962-1970, she ran the sewing school for women in the Liebfrauenburg Coesfeld and she gave needlework lessons at the Liebfrauenschule. At the same time, she was directress of the aspirants. With skill, pedagogical empathy, and personal commitment, she deepened many young women’s interest in faith and religious life. In this area, Sister Maria Bernhardine was also a formative personality.

The focus of Sister M. Bernhardine’s professional and apostolic work was in St. George parish in Vreden from 1976 to 2011. She gave countless sewing courses for women and children. She was not only an excellent “master“ but also a helpful contact person for personal questions and problems. There was “pastoral care”. The many contacts Sr. M. Bernhardine had until her death show the high esteem she enjoyed.

For many years, Sr. M. Bernhardine delighted and inspired us with her wonderful flower arrangements in the church, especially on high feast days. Her nativity scene was unique. With the support of several women, some of the new figures purchased a few years ago received new robes. They invite to edification and prayer.

Besides her profession and her involvement in the community, her large family was close to Sister M. Bernhardine’s heart. She maintained lively contacts and was approachable for different problems and life situations.

This close relationship became especially obvious during these last difficult months of her life. Sister had a lot of visitors and was richly endowed as a flower lover. This abundance was a great delight for all who visited or took care of Sr. M. Bernhardine.

Sincere thanks are due to the family for their continuous support as well as to the staff on the nursing station and to the co-sisters who accompanied her lovingly, competently, continuously, and gently during the last phase of her life. In this Christmas season, the above verse of the psalmist has come true for Sister Maria Bernhardine: “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore“.

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