Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Sister Lienir Maria

Sister Lienir Maria                     ND 5353                  PDF Download

Lienir Teodora da Silveira

Nossa Senhora Aparecida Province, Canoas, RS – Brazil

Date and Place of Birth:             December 06, 1934    Caçapava do Sul, RS
Date and Place of Profession:   February 11, 1960       Passo Fundo, RS
Date and Place of Death:           June 01, 2020              Recanto Aparecida, Canoas, RS
Date and Place of Burial:           June 01, 2020             Convent Cemetery, Canoas, RS

“Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.” Luke 2:19

At the dawn of June 1, 2020, the Lord of life visited Nossa Senhora Aparecida Province for the fourth time this year and welcomed with a loving embrace our dear Sister Lienir Maria.

Lienir was the fifth of the six children born to Timóteo Teodoro da Silveira and Corina Vieira da Silveira, farmers who lived in the countryside of Caçapava do Sul and made a living out of agriculture. At the age of five, through Baptism, little Lienir was reborn by water and Spirit, becoming part of the community of believers.

At the age of 11, Lienir and her siblings lost their mother and a newborn baby due to complications of childbirth. This event required new solutions from the poor family to support the six children so that Lienir went to live with her godparents and helped them out with household chores.

As Jesus once walked along the shores of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus passed by the Silveira family calling two of the daughters to experience the love of our good and provident God as Sisters of Notre Dame.

At the age of 23, aware and attentive to the Lord’s call, Lienir generously responded to Jesus’ invitation, “come and follow me”, entering the postulancy of the Sisters of Notre Dame in Passo Fundo. In a document provided for her admission in the Congregation, Fr. Otávio Cequim, parish priest of Caçapava, stated: ‘I can assure you that for many years, with extraordinary fidelity and perseverance, she has been nurturing the desire to join the Sisters of Notre Dame. She was able to overcome all the obstacles that, at first, seemed insurmountable, seeking strength in the Eucharist and practicing the holy religion with true heroism.’

Three years later, her sister Geny at the age of 31, also joined the Congregation. Currently, at the age of 91, she is the only daughter of the Silveira family who is still alive.

On February 11, 2020, Sister Lienir Maria celebrated her Diamond Jubilee. Bedridden due to Alzheimer’s disease, she was not able to participate in the celebrations.

We remember Sister Lienir Maria as a silent and kind woman, open to God´s will and sensitive to the sisters´ needs who, like Mary, “treasured and pondered everything in her heart.”  She was often seen with a rosary in her hands, walking in the surrounding areas of the house, which reflected her devotion to Mary. Always being present for community gatherings and Mass, even with physical difficulties due to the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, was a sign of her commitment to community.

Her feminine hallmark was a simple but elegant dressing style as well as a delicate and respectful attitude toward relationships. She was affectionate and kind to her family, who returned this love and care to her, especially when she could no longer visit them.

For many years, Sister Lienir Maria served as treasurer in our ND Schools and as accountant for the Province. She was accurate and organized. Her desk was always tidy, with everything very well organized to be continued the next day.

Sister Lienir Maria, in her passage through this world, left us a legacy, a hallmark of unconditional fidelity to God and to the Congregation. May God grant her eternal rest.

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