Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Sister Josephmarie

Sister Josephmarie          ND 4490        PDF Download
Dorothy Ann BUNOSKY

Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA

Date and Place of Birth:      December 4, 1929     Cleveland, Ohio
Date and Place of Profession: August 16, 1950         Cleveland, Ohio
Date and Place of Death:      November 5, 2014     Provincial Center, Chardon,Ohio
Date and Place of Funeral:    November 11, 2014     Provincial Center, Chardon,Ohio
Date and Place of Burial:     November 12, 2014   Resurrection Cemetery, Chardon, OH

JosephmarieDorothy was the oldest of nine children born to Paul and Anne (Vintza) Bunosky. Dorothy’s parents had loving, joy-filled hearts and deep faith, even as four of her siblings died shortly after birth. These were happy years where love and concern for one another was nurtured and blossomed. Dorothy attended St. Wendelin Elementary School and then requested admittance to Notre Dame Academy as an aspirant. As a senior, Dorothy entered the Sisters of Notre Dame and at investment received the name Sister Mary Josephmarie.

Sister Josephmarie initially wanted to become a nurse but because of the shortage of teachers was asked to enter the field of education. Her innate sense of nurturing, protective love and caring, fostered in her family life, would continue now to be extended toward children in her care. Sister received a bachelor’s degree from St. John College, Cleveland, and a master’s degree from St. Mary College, Xavier, Kansas.

She was dedicated to excellence in Catholic education in her ministry as teacher and/or principal in elementary schools for 55 years. For her, education was about faith and family and fostering values that enabled children to grow into compassionate, Christ-like adults. As principal for thirty-nine years, her morning greeting to the children was, “Let the Christ in you reach out and touch the Christ in others. Our mission is to be Christ every day, everywhere.”

In 2006, when it was time to transition from her ministry in elementary schools, Sister Josephmarie participated in a renewal at the Disney Institute in Florida. Courses focused on a unique way that hospitality and communication made one’s organization exceptional. Sister’s mantra and lived experience continued, “Treat every person that comes into your presence as a guest.” Respect for herself and others was paramount.

Sister Josephmarie joined the Advancement Office at the Provincial Center and assumed the roles of coordinator of constituent relations and assistant on the hospitality team. She was a gentle, welcoming presence and the epitome of graciousness whether meeting visitors, organizing the booth at the Geauga County Fair or serving at the retreat center – where she worked tirelessly to insure the sisters had a special week.

This quiet, unassuming, prayerful woman, with a twinkle in her eye and a smile for all, reflected the presence of God within. Sister Josephmarie died very unexpectedly, very peacefully, giving testament to her favorite saying, “The One who dreamed you and formed you still surrounds you with his love.” May she be welcomed into new life and rest now, peacefully, in God’s loving embrace.

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