During December 2012 the Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation coordinators from the USA provinces met in Toledo to share prayer, insight, wisdom and mutual encouragement regarding the JPIC activities in the United States.
The group pondered many important issues and mutually agreed upon one focus: Care for the Earth – Integrity of Creation – Air, Land, Water.
The discussion led to the initial implementation of this plan by encouraging as many sisters as possible to participate in the Awakening the Dreamer Symposium, Changing the Dream. This symposium inspires and educates participants around the world to bring forth an environmentally sustainable, socially just, and spiritually fulfilling world.
In July 2013, the JPIC coordinators and some committee members met in Chardon with Sister Mary Kristin, Sister Mary Shauna and Sister Mary Patricia Dorobek, the congregational JPIC coordinator. Sister Patricia stressed that, “Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation is the lived expression of our charism. As Sisters of Notre Dame we are all called to promote JPIC in whatever we do. It is the way we proclaim God as good and provident. It is the mandate of the Gospel and the essence of our vocational call.
The purpose of this gathering was to discuss the hopes and dreams of the Justice and Peace committees in the United States. All four provinces will provide the Awakening the Dreamer Seminars for the sisters. This experience will lead the sisters to try on a new way of looking at the world, begin to appreciate the extraordinary possibilities at this time in history and investigate the critical role each person can play in turning things around.
At the end of Awakening the Dreamer Symposium, the group shared action steps:
- Come up with one or two goals/activities.
- Ask what do we want members to have experienced and/or learned.
- Brainstorm ways that stories, scripture or other experiences, analysis, ritual and theological reflection, and additional actions can be incorporated.
- Experience social analysis, theological reflection and action. (LCWR model).
Province ofThousand Oaks, California
- Study and learn to live the Earth Charter, Millennium Goals, Catholic social teachings, UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Look for and join events in which sisters/associates/friends may participate in JPIC activities.
- Commit to action in one area of Earth healing – one issue to make a difference in and learn about it and take action to make a difference.
THANK YOU to all the schools who collected shoes(44,000), purses (10,000) and backpacks for the SND Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation endeavor in various parts of the country for Gateway2Give and Clean Water projects.
Province of Covington, Kentucky
Photo of the concrete water storage tank that the Covington shoe and purse collection paid for.This project was undertaken by the sisters, associates, co-workers and friends.
“Water is a basic right for life….” These words open the statement of belief that won approval of the Sisters and set a new direction for the Chardon province. After study and reflection, they embraced a public corporate stance to protect water and to employ principles of sustainability at every level of water use.