Italy ~ Rome

Rome, Italy

Established 1944

The first Sisters of Notre Dame came to Italy in 1920 from Mülhausen, Germany, to witness to God’s love and provident care and to help their brothers and sisters to believe in Jesus Christ, who proclaimed the goodness of his Father. The Italian delegation has the privilege of being in Rome at the center of the Church and the congregation. When the motherhouse moved from Germany to Rome, the sisters in Italy offered accommodation and hospitality for two years. At this time, the apostolate of prayer began in the chapel there. The sisters of the Italian delegation give witness to the spirit of internationality that is characteristic of the Sisters of Notre Dame. In mutual support and in the richness of different cultures, the sisters commit themselves to the mission of education and formation according to the needs of the Church.


  • Apostolate of Prayer with Adult Groups
  • Catechesis
  • Education
  • Ministry of Hospitality
  • Pastoral Ministry
  • Support for Poor and Needy Families


Italy – Rome Delegation
Via Como 39
00161 Roma
Phone:  06 44240227

Contact Sister
Suor Maria Benedetta Gurschler, SND –

Via Como, 39, 00161 Roma, República Italiana