Refugees depart from one life and arrive in another. They come from Syria and other places to Toledo and need assistance integrating into American culture, learning English, obtaining a driver’s license, opening a bank account and more.
Sr. Julia Marie Hutchison heard about US Together Toledo when National Public Radio (NPR) interviewed Corine DeHabey. “I was determined to meet this amazing woman (Corine) and learn more. It is the only refugee resettlement agency in Toledo approved by the U. S. State Department,” Sr. Julia Marie exclaimed.
“Now I am a volunteer and I teach English to Syrian refugees. These individuals are very eager to learn English and they are good students! Couples come together to learn and even bring their children along,” Sr. Julia Marie added.

According to Sr. Julia Marie, Corine has a team of part-time co-workers and volunteers. “As Director and the only fulltime employee, she manages this complex program and often hectic office with the heart of a mother and the competence of an executive,” said Sr. Julia Marie.
“We are proud of what we are doing and most of our families are integrating well into the community. Culture orientation is VERY important. The U.S. government requires us to cover 12 topics in only three months. Topics such as transportation, laws, safety, medical, hygiene, and housing,” Corine said. “Our staff also helps clients pursue their trade or profession. Clients face many barriers yet find employment and achieve success,” Corine explained.
“We love Sr. Julia, she is really a blessing. We miss her when she’s not here. She’s like a caring, compassionate Mom and she’s serving others like Jesus did,” Corine concluded.
The SNDs provide much needed storage for furniture, clothing and household items in the former music building so refugee families can set-up homes.
Sr. Julia Marie teaches English to a Syrian couple who recently moved to Toledo and seek assistance from US Together Toledo.