This year, all the sisters in the Korean province are making their annual retreat with the theme of eco-spirituality. With this experience, we are reflecting on the severity of global warming and environmental problems, which are JPIC issues; reminding ourselves of our relationship with all of creation; and thinking of concrete and practical ways of living this eco-spirituality on a personal, communal, apostolic and societal level.
A special team, organized a year ago to prepare and guide this retreat, took a course on eco-spirituality and adjusted the program for our purpose. During the eight-day retreat, we meditate on a theme taken from Gen 1 – 2:4 every day.
Beginning with what could be considered disjointed and incomplete understanding, sisters who have participated in this retreat program at this point, find this an opportunity to understand the environmental issue better. They also expressed gratitude for this special occasion and show great enthusiasm in planning eco-friendly practices in their daily lives.