On November 21, 2024, at St. Julia’s Hall, Notre Dame Puri Indah Community, Jakarta, the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the SND mission in Indonesia was solemn and full of joy. We recalled the journey of the missionary sisters and their dedication 90 years ago which has now developed and born fruit through the ministry of the sisters in the areas of education, health, social, and pastoral care.
The thanksgiving Mass was presided over by Bishop Ignatius Cardinal Suharyo, accompanied by several bishops where the SNDs ministered: Bishop Aloysius Maryadi Sutrisnaatmaka, MSF, Bishop Christophorus Tri Harsono, and Bishop Jose Romeo Juanito Orquejo Lazo, Bishop of Ilo-Ilo, Philippines and eleven priests. Sr. Mary Ann, Sr. Marie So-Wha, and Sr. Marina from the General Administration, sisters from different communities, donors, invited guests from different units, SND partners, and those involved in the life and work of the sisters attended the Mass of celebration.
In his homily based on the Gospel of Matthew 12:48-50, the Cardinal emphasized that whoever we are, whatever our status, we have the same vocation in life: to grow toward the perfection of holiness, love, and Christian life as exemplified by Jesus and Our Lady.
After the Eucharist, we enjoyed dinner together and watched various performances by the teachers of Notre Dame Puri Indah Kindergarten, the Junior Sisters, the children of Marganingsih Lasem Orphanage, St. Mikael Warak High School students, Notre Dame Jakarta High School students and Notre Dame Grand Wisata, Bekasi students. What a joy we shared together, feeling beauty as a whole and loving family.
With the Church and all people, we continue to strive to care for and develop the great work of God begun by the pioneer missionaries. As members of one body, we all continue to walk together in hope as we approach the 100th anniversary of the SND mission in Indonesia.