Notre Dame JPIC (Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation) Coordinators from around the world gathered in Rome from April 5—24 to share their expertise, to learn from one another and to focus their efforts for the future. Sister Maria Nonata de Aguiar Bezerra, general assistant and Congregational JPIC Coordinator, facilitated the conference. Input sessions on JPIC spirituality, cultural awareness, human trafficking, migrants and refugees, skills in social analysis as well as lessons on how to use the internet for greater networking were all addressed during the program. Several of the speakers were from groups sponsored by the UISG (Union of International Superiors General). Sister Mary Jyotisha from Patna presented a 3-day workshop on how to introduce JPIC issues to adult groups, and each member of general government also gave input sessions.
Besides looking outward participants looked inward and discussed the need for each of us to become a compassionate, non-violent person within community as well as outside community. We are all in the continual process of conversion. We must ask ourselves if we perpetuate injustices within our own lifestyle as religious.
The conference was a wonderful opportunity for the JPIC Coordinators to get to know one another better and to explore how they might continue to collaborate and support one another. To further this goal a folder for sharing was created in Google Drive through our Congregational website to which all JPIC Coordinators have access.
The Conference concluded with a very meaningful prayer service in which the participants recommitted themselves to be agents of transformation by promoting JPIC values. They were missioned to the four corners of our world to bring the good news—to proclaim freedom for prisoners, recovery of sight to the blind, to set the oppressed free.