On September 18, 2013 we bid farewell to Sister Mary Karlene Seech as she began her return flight to Christ the King Province in Chardon, USA. Sister M. Karlene became a member of the Motherhouse community on August 23, 2012. Since then she has put in her artistic talents and organizational skills to assist with various community duties in the motherhouse and added a joyful spirit to the community. She had been a member of the motherhouse community in the ministry of perpetual adoration from 1971 – 1979, and now she returned to minister at the reception desk and in the refectory. Her hospitality and gentle manners made everyone feel right at home. We thank Sister Karlene for her generous contribution to the motherhouse community and loving presence with us. We will miss her creative ways of decorating the refectory in accordance with liturgical feasts and other special occasions and will continue to pray for abundant blessings on her.