Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Profession of First Vows

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The beauty of our call to religious life is rooted in our readiness and fidelity to do God’s will. “BEHOLD, I AM THE HANDMAID OF THE LORD” was the theme of our five sisters who professed their vows on May 11, 2024. This was the day of the unveiling of dreams and goals long imagined, giving the International Novitiate, Njiro, Tanzania, and the entire Holy Spirit General Delegation a reason to celebrate.

The Eucharistic celebration in the Njiro convent chapel was graced by the angelic, melodious voices of the Notre Dame Formees choir. Each person’s vibrant participation, as well as the precision of the liturgical dancers, added much to the solemnity of the occasion. The confident responses of our fire sisters during the examination by our delegation superior, Sister Mary Christine, revealed the reality of our trust in God’s providential care and our courageous witness to God’s goodness.

The presence of Sisters of Notre Dame from the different communities of our Delegation gave witness to the vitality of this occasion. Our apostolic nature in mission and our communion with the Church in sending us to God’s people were evidenced as our newly professed Sisters readily, willingly, and happily received their appointments during the evening missioning prayer service.

It was indeed a very special and blessed event!

Sister Mary Faith, NND

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