Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Jubilee Anniversary Meal: Recollection Day

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The Sisters in the Syokimau community in Kenya prepared the European cuisine shared by our Sisters in Coesfeld, Germany. A night before the suggested day, the Sisters looked through the menu and divided up the items. All were happy and enthusiastic. They all attended the first Mass at St. Veronica Catholic parish, had their breakfast, and started off with the preparations. The occasion commenced with a song from our Coesfeld Sisters.

The Recollection events were such a beautiful encounter with the theme “Confidence is our Heritage,” and during the day the following steps were suggested for our reflection:

  • A= Adoration: Be in a spirit of adoration and acknowledge that God can do all things.
  • C= Contrition: Feel so sorry for your weaknesses
  • T= Thanksgiving: Despite my weaknesses, God loves me
  • S= Supplication: Pray for strength and guidance from God and feel fulfilled.
  • Meditate on God’s faithfulness in scripture with reference to scriptural models of faith like Abraham and Moses.
  • Surrendering to God’s Will. Accepting God’s Will is a way of growing in confidence in God. One should accept challenges and trust in God. Stop worrying about the future; place it in God’s hands like St. Julie, who trusted in God’s plan for her.
  • Building confidence is embracing the trials as opportunities for growth. Trials are not obstacles but opportunities.

In conclusion, the Sisters were given the following questions for reflection:

  • What are those personal challenges that weaken my confidence in God?
  • How can I solve them? How can I overcome them?
  • How can I build confidence in God and a deeper relationship with God?

The Recollection Day ended with Confessions and Mass.

By Sister Mary Teopista, SND

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