Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Jubilee Anniversary Meal and February Recollection Day

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Our Syokimau community in Kenya is comprised of Sisters Mary Christine, Mary Elizabeth Wanza, Mary Sunday, Mary Felistas, Marie Rose, and Mary Teopista. There is also one candidate, Maureen Mumo, and an aspirant, Zipora Nzisa. On this day, February 23, 2025, when we had the Brazilian Jubilee Anniversary Meal and Recollection, we missed the presence of Sister Mary Christine.

Guided by the steps of the recipe from the Sisters of Notre Dame in Brazil, the Sisters in the Syokimau community found it very easy to prepare the meal since it was quite like how Pilau is usually made in Kenya (rice mixed with small pieces of beef). In a spirit of joy and cooperation, the Sisters participated in the meal preparations. Apart from what was suggested for the menu, the sisters added some side dishes like vegetables, salads, and fruits.

Before eating the meal, the Sisters had the meal prayer and the song suggested by our Sisters in Brazil in the refectory. It was a very beautiful time together, and there was a lot of fun.

In the afternoon of the same day, the community members had the recollection of “Our Missionary Spirit” right after lunch. Sister Mary Elizabeth led the recollection creatively. The set-up of the recollection was in the beautiful compound of the Sisters, which is impressive with flowers, plants, and trees and very spacious. This precious time started with the song to the Holy Spirit, as suggested by our Sisters in Brazil, Peru, and Mozambique. Though the Sisters had gone through the material provided days before the recollection, they took turns in reading paragraphs loudly and reflectively. They sang a song, “Here I am Lord, by Dan Schutte, which is about the call to being ready to       participate in the mission of Christ.

After the song, the Sisters were given time to reflect further on the history of our congregation and Matthew 10: 1-25. After quality time in reflection, they returned and shared their insights with one another. This was followed by prayers of thanksgiving and petitions by individual Sisters. Then, the sisters sang a melodious Magnificat, as suggested by the recollection materials.

May the Missionary Spirit be reawakened in every Sister of Notre Dame. Happy Jubilee!

Sister Mary Teopista, SND

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