Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

International Tertianship of Regina Pacis Province in Incheon

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We, eight sisters from Regina Pacis Province who spent our postulancy and novitiate in the international formation house of the Philippines, reunited after our time in the juniorate to prepare for our final profession.

On Feb. 22, 2024, we excitedly began the international tertian program. We had a chance to vividly experience the activities of the province by preparing for and attending the provincial assembly. Daily prayers, Lectio Divina, and lectures on the Trinity lead us to be closer to God and to love him more. The classes on provincial history made us feel a special gratitude and a sense of mission. The eco-spirituality seminar reminded us of our responsibility to preserve the integrity of creation. We also briefly experienced life at the service of the church and the world, while working in the ministries of caring for the handicapped, migrants, and the elderly.

Our spirit of the Notre Dame family became even stronger through engaging in various services in the provincial house and working together for several community events. Now, we have been enjoying the Congregational pilgrimage, which nurtures our love for the holy church as well as for the Congregation.

We want to thank all the sisters for their prayers, love, and generous support.

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