On January 11, 2025, joy filled the air in Canoas as 29 sisters from the Brazilian provinces celebrated their remarkable jubilees, marking 25, 50, 60, 65, and 70 years of Religious Life.
In preparation for this significant occasion, the Jubilarians and other sisters participated in a spiritual retreat held at Sítio Notre Dame. Guided by Father Joachim de Andrade, SVD, the interprovincial retreat took place from January 4 to 11. Father Joachim centered his reflections on the Jubilarians’ life pilgrimage, emphasizing their journey of faith and service.
The Mass of Thanksgiving was held in the chapel of the Provincial Center in Canoas. Presided over by Father Joachim and concelebrated by two other priests, the Eucharistic celebration brought together a good number of sisters from both Brazilian provinces, who gathered to honor and celebrate this milestone.
Sister Maria Dirce Slaviero, the provincial superior of the Holy Cross Province, and Sister Shirle Maria da Silva, the provincial superior of the Our Lady Aparecida province, expressed heartfelt words of tribute to the Jubilarians. They conveyed deep gratitude for the sisters´ years of service and dedication to the Congregation´s apostolic mission and their inspiring witness to the Notre Dame charism. The provincial leaders also highlighted the significance of celebrating this jubilee during the Jubilee Year of the Church under the theme: “Pilgrims of Hope” and the Congregation´s 175th Anniversary, with the theme: “Pilgrims of Gratitude and Hope.”
Following the Mass, the Jubilarians were welcomed into the dining room, where they were warmly greeted and honored with heartfelt tributes. A festive lunch provided a fitting conclusion to the joyful occasion.
We extend our profound gratitude to the Jubilarians for their unwavering fidelity to their vocation and their dedicated service in the Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame.