Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

An Exceptional and Inclusive Youth Gathering ‘Make Your Dreams Come True’

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With immense joy, the Mpala Community in Uganda held a youth gathering on February 23, 2025.

The youth that came included a special group of “Deaf and Mute” handsome boys and beautiful girls, in red plaid uniforms. They turned the entire gathering into an amazing and special event for both the sisters and the other youth. You can guess the language that was spoken on that day–each member of the gathering tried to communicate in sign language! The Sisters introduced a web game where all the youth and the Sisters would throw a cord to each other as they mentioned their names as a way of learning each other’s names. The game was followed by a reflective prayer and a special ‘Kamba and Mozambican Cultural Dance’ by the postulants who entertained the Youth.

The Sisters then shared on an inspiring theme—Make Your Dream Come True—with the youth in four different age groups for a better sharing on the topic. The young people raised many questions, but most excitingly, the mute young people asked the most questions. The Sisters spent time engaging with the youth who shared their dreams for the future. Interestingly, in their sharing, one of the mute girls said her dream is to become a Public Speaker. How nice it was seeing the young people dreaming big!

The most exciting and interesting activity was watching the two friendly and competitive Netball games between the disabled youth and the able-bodied. A silent cheer was seen as the mute and deaf boys and girls encouraged their team mates who scored a goal that exploded in joy. They all raised their hands in jubilation and their faces shone brightly at their success. The second game was between the Sisters and postulants on one team, and the youth on the other. It was incredible to watch the two teams play against each other.

The day was so fulfilling, engaging, colorful, and remarkable for the youth that one of them commented on their departure, “Next time, we shall come as early as possible.” So good to hear.

  Sr. Mary Juliet Ahaisibwe, SND

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