The work of the General Chapter for Thursday, October 6, was a follow-up to all of the Unit reports the previous day. Chapter members met in groups and worked to surface common themes that emerged from the reports. In the evening, the Writing/Visioning group began to collate these themes in order to create an initial Chapter direction.

An interesting fact about the 2022 Chapter is that 21 of the 45 Chapter delegates (almost 50%) are first-time Chapter delegates. First-time delegates – Sr. Michelle Marie Kelly (Chardon, USA), Sr. Mary Anushila Xalxo (Patna, India) and Sr. Marie Philipa (Incheon, South Korea) – reflected on their experience of the Chapter so far. They all agreed that the opportunity to experience the internationality of the Chapter, with delegates from 10 countries, is a blessing and they each expressed gratitude for this experience. “To meet the Sisters and hear about countries and ministries we have only read about in newsletters creates a new understanding and energy,” said Sr. Michelle Marie.
Sharing from our Chapter delegates:

Sr. Mary Margaret Mbuba (Nairobi, East Africa delegation) – “It is evident to me that the Spirit is moving among the Sisters. I am impressed with the fact that we are sharing in a common mission, with many similarities, while serving in many different cultural realities.” Sister is on the Provincial Council in East Africa and also is the Director for our 41 East African temporary professed Sisters.

Sr. Mary Chetana, the Provincial Superior of the Bangalore Province (India), is very grateful for the opportunity to meet so many Sisters. “I am so grateful for the opportunity to come together and share our life experiences. We are so rich in diversity while sharing the same spirit.