Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

The hills are alive with the sound of music!


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Our postulant community is alive, not only with the sound of music but also with a great sharing on what it is to be community.  It is good to pay attention to what our youngest members have to say about our life together.  Having no script, their creativity flowed freely as they shared about how we witness to those who want to become Sisters of Notre Dame, how our living together gives evidence of how we also relate to our God and how we can be a source of love and encouragement as we proclaim God’s goodness and provident care.

They could share freely how they are “pruned” in their time of formation but also how we prune one another by how we communicate to each other.

Each came with their own symbol of community; some with plants, a flower, a bouquet, a phone conversation, a heart, a candle and each gave creative expression to a truth about our life together.

These postulants from Tanzania, Kenya, Mozambique and Uganda composed and sang a song about community which captivated incarnating the love of our good and provident God.  They were so creative in their expressions of openness, belonging, their availability and how we all need to be centred in Jesus Christ.  May each of them live what they have expressed in song and skit and learn from the sisters in the community in which they are living so they may truly be a leaven in the world.


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