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Barbara Ann KREJSA
Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA
Date and Place of Birth: July 9, 1940 Cleveland, Ohio
Date and Place of Profession: August 16, 1963 Cleveland, Ohio
Date and Place of Death: October 18, 2016 Health Care Center, Chardon
Date and Place of Funeral: October 28, 2016 Provincial Center,Chardon,Ohio

“Make all your life something beautiful for God.”
Barbara Ann was the second youngest of the five children born to Anthony and Regina (Oliger) Krejsa. Because her twin brother, Tom, was born 15 minutes later than she, Barbara always maintained her status of being second youngest in the family! Barbara lived in the same parental home her whole childhood and, as a member of St. Timothy Parish, she attended elementary school and received the sacraments there. She was a member of the Tiny Tims,the CYO group from the parish, and a member of the Young Ladies’ Sodality. After graduation from St. Timothy Elementary, Barbara began high school at Notre Dame Academy, Cleveland.
At the Academy, Barbara treasured the friendship of classmates and teachers alike. She considered these the most precious days of her life and maintained many of these relationships. She wrote, “I admired the teachers and I wanted to answer a call. I liked their simplicity and they were good educators.”After graduation in 1958, Barbara began working at the Propagation of the Faith Office at the Diocese of Cleveland. Her work there helped her understand the function of the Catholic Church throughout the entire world. Later, her experience helped her appreciate the internationality of our Congregation.
Barbara entered the Sisters of Notre Dame on February 2, 1961 and at investment received the name Sister Mary Antoinette. Sister received her bachelor’s degree in education from St.John College in Cleveland, her master’s degree in educational administration from Cleveland State University, and a Certificate of Parish Leadership from Boston College. Sister Mary Antoinette ministered for thirty-three years as teacher or principal in elementary schools in Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina. She served as Director of Religious Education at the Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament in Washington, DC., and was privileged to serve as local coordinator at the Motherhouse in Rome for three years.
Most recently, Sister Mary Antoinette ministered as Administrative Assistant and English as a Second Language tutor at Cleveland Central Catholic High School where she served the African and Hispanic students. Sister stated, “My greatest resource has been the experiences I have had in my previous ministries. Being an elementary school teacher has given me a capacity to quickly assess basic skills and strategies needed to help students; my assignment in Rome has given me great compassion for non-English speaking students.”
A diagnosis of cancer and resulting strokes forced Sister Mary Antoinette to become a resident in the Health CareCenter in 2015. She entered into a more contemplative time in her life and was steadfast in her efforts to continue to make her life “something beautiful for God.” Each day of life was one of thankfulness as she prepared to join her beloved Jesus. She often expressed her love and gratitude for family and friends and for the Health Care staff. May Sister rest in the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father, and rejoice in the reunion with her parents and her twin, Tom, who welcomed her into heaven.