Schwestern Unserer Lieben Frau… gesandt, die Liebe unseres guten und fürsorgenden Gottes zu leben

Blogs, Publications, Newsletters, and Websites

SND International Communication

A number of Sisters throughout the Congregation maintain blogs and websites.

The topics are quite varied: ministry, faith, spirituality, art, beauty in the ordinary, poetry, mission work, life in community.

There are authors among our Sisters and links to their materials can be found on this page.

Besides maintaining individual websites, many Provinces and Missions regularly publish newsletters.

There is an opportunity on most of these blogs and newsletters to add your personal email address
for updates and further contact and communication. This list will continue to grow so check back often!

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Sisters‘ Blogs and Websites

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Catholic Faith Corner

Understanding, Teaching, and Living the Faith

Sister Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND

Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA

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Sunflower Seeds

Celebrating Everyday Spirituality

Sister Melannie Svoboda, SND

Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA

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Living Justly

Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation

Sister Mary Kathleen Ryan, SND

Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA

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Prayer Poems

Poetic Reflections for Sundays and Feastdays

Sister JulieMarie McDonald, SND

Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA

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Catholic Web Solutions

Serving Catholic Organizations and Religious Communities

Sister Mary Susan Wolf, SND

Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA

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Grace to Paint

Daily Oil Paintings by Maresa Lilley, SND

Sister Maresa Lilley, SND

Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA

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In the Hands of the Potter

Group Blog

Sisters of Notre Dame

Rosa Mystica Province, Thousand Oaks, California, USA

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sunflower130x100My Blog-World

Events and Happenings

Sister Mary Kathleen Burns, SND

Rosa Mystica Province, Thousand Oaks, California, USA

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Sisters of Notre Dame Express Blog

Group Blog

Sisters of Notre Dame

Mary Immaculate Province, Toledo, Ohio, USA

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New-York-007-130x100Sisters of Notre Dame at the United Nations

Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur and

Sisters of Notre Dame of Coesfeld

New York City, New York, USA

Mary Immaculate Province, Toledo, Ohio, USA

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africaNotre Dame Global Missions

Sister Marie Manning, SND


Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA

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CDUThe Catholic Distance University

Sister Mary Margaret Ann Schlather, SND

Catechetical Programs Dean

Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA

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Megan Dull: Artist

Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA

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Sisters‘ Publications

Totally CatholicTotally Catholic! A Catechism for Kids and Their Parents and Teachers newicon

Sister Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND

Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA

< Read More

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The-Catholic-Childrens-Bible_Series_Splash.jpg.540xThe Catholic Children’s Bible (The first-ever complete Bible for children 7–9 years old with 125 special features) with Leader Guide and Activity Booklet


Sister Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND

Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA


< Read More

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Sunday Prayer for CatechistsSunday Prayer for Catechists 2013–2014


Sister Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND

Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA


< Read More

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Just Because: Prayer Poems to Delight your Heart

Sister Melannie Svoboda, SND

Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA

< Read More

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Time to Say Goodbye: My Grief Workbook

Sister Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND

Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA

< Read More

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weekday-liturgies-thumbnailWeekday Liturgies for Children

Creative Ways to Celebrate Year-Round (Revised 2012)

Sister Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND

Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA

< Read More

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Arts and Crafts 150 IdeasArts and Crafts from A to Z

150 Ideas for Catechists and Religion Teachers

Sister Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND

Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA

< Read More

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german-book-thumbnailLichtblicke – Leben wecken, Hoffnung schenken

Schwester Maria Reinhildis Gehring, SND

Maria Regina Province, Coesfeld, Germany

< Read More

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Additional Publications by Sister Melannie Svoboda, SND


Additional Publications by Sister Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND


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Province and Mission Newsletters
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newsletters framedND Connection

Christ the King Province, Chardon, Ohio, USA

Spring 2013

Spring 2012

The Pulse

Immaculate Heart of Mary Province, Covington, Kentucky, USA

Fall 2012

Winter 2011-12


Mary Immaculate Province, Toledo, Ohio, USA

Winter 2012

Fall 2012

Summer 2012

Spring 2012

California E-News

Rosa Mystica Province, Thousand Oaks, California, USA

April, 2013

January, 2013

From the Roof of Africa

Holy Spirit Delegation, Arusha, Tanzania

20 Years Under the Roof of Africa Part I November 26, 2012

20 Years Under the Roof of Africa Part II May 2012


United Nations, New York City, New York, USA

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Province Websites
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Visit our Sister Cousin Websites

Through St. Julie Billiart we share a common bond of spirituality with these two communities:

Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur

Sisters of Our Lady of Amersfoort