On October 20, 2018, the Notre Dame School in in Lulumba, Kiomboi in Tanzania held their Parents’ Day, when the pupils presented what they had been learning, including some entertainment, for their parents.
The chief guest for the day was the District Education Officer (D.E.O), Madame Oliver
Mgeni. In her speech, she said, “Education without discipline or good morals is of no
use.” She and the parents appreciate the good morals we are imparting together. The parents were very grateful to the sisters, teachers, and the non-teaching staff for the hard work that is helping to mold the pupils to be good leaders and citizens of our nation.
We thank God for the good results we received from these pupils for the Regional Mock Exams in October. Our school ranked in first place in the Iramba District, and our pupils were among the highest scorers in the Singida Region. We hope to have the best results in the coming National Exams. Sister Mary Sawmya, the head teacher of our Notre Dame School, along with the pupils, arranged a festive program to manifest appreciation for the hard work of the teachers, sisters, and the non-teaching staff.