In the jubilee year, the sisters of the Maria Regina Province, Coesfeld, wanted to meet with sisters worldwide via Zoom.
The first Zoom conference took place on March 15, 2025, between sisters from Coesfeld-Annenthal and Vechta-Marienhain and German-speaking sisters from Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. It was an impressive experience of global sisterhood.
Sr. So-Wha provided the technology from Rome and Sr Josefa Maria moderated the meeting. We began with a short presentation round in which each sister said her name and her age. The oldest participant in Coesfeld was Sr. M. Bernadette Schillers (95) and the youngest was Sr. Sintea Maria (37).
Sr. M Salete Rech lives in Sitio Notre Dame in Nova Santa Rita near Canoas, a retreat and recreation centre with agriculture. With photos, she introduced where she lives and ministers.
Sr. Sintea Maria reported on her work with numerous children and youth groups in the vocation ministry in Palmas in Tocantins. Sr Roselaine Maria and Sr M. Iracy reported on their lives and their pastoral work as active senior sisters.
Memories were also exchanged: Sr. M. Salete spoke of her time in Vechta and Sr. M. Iracy of her time in the motherhouse in Rome.
Sr. Ethel Maria and Sr. M. Egina showed pictures of Marienhain, of the community and the Associates group ‘Unio Mater Dei’ which Sr. M. Egina accompanies.
A short film about the carnival celebration with all the sisters gave an impression of life in Kloster Annenthal. Sr. M. Paula then reported on the current situation on site– the conversion of the sisters‘ senior centre into a public retirement home.
The meeting ended after an hour with the song: ‘Great God, we praise you’ and our jubilee prayer.
Report: Sr Josefa Maria Bergmann